This is a Roker Bogie Robert.
The rocker-bogie suspension mechanism it‟s currently NASA‟s favored design for wheeled mobile robots, mainly because it has robust capabilities to deal with obstacles and because it uniformly
distributes the payload over its 6 wheels at all times. Even though it has many advantages when dealing with obstacles, there is one major shortcoming which is its low average speed of operation,
making the rockerbogie system not suitable for situations where high-speed traversal over hard-flat surfaces is needed to cover large areas in short periods of time, mainly due to stability problems.
Our propose is to increase the stability of the rocker-bogie system by expanding its support polygon, making it more stable and adaptable while moving at high speed, but keeping its original robustness against obstacles. The Rocker-Bogie Mobility system was designed to be used at slow speeds. It is capable of overcoming obstacles that are on the order of the size of a wheel. However, when surmounting a sizable obstacle, the vehicles motion effectively stops while the front wheel climbs the obstacle. When operating at low speed (greater than 10cm/second), dynamic shocks are minimized when this happens.
For many future planetary missions, rovers will have to operate at
human level speeds (~1m/second). Shocks resulting from the impact of the front wheel against an obstacle could damage the payload or the vehicle.We will develop a method of driving a rocker-bogie vehicle so that it can effectively step over most obstacles rather than impacting and climbing over them. Most of the benefits of this method can be achieved without any mechanical modification to existing designs – only a change in control strategy. Some mechanical changes are suggested to gather the maximum benefit and to greatly increase the effective operational speed of future rovers.
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